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February 2012



Some things we've done


We know that pictures speak louder than words so we want to show you some of the projects we've completed. We're proud of the work we do, the name we've made and the relationships we've built. In our business, our Word is our reputation, but we acknowledge that seeing is believing. Starting in 2012, we will document and highlight some of the leading edge projects that will underscore the skill sets and strengths we can bring your company's operation. Our products, repair work and custom parts are guaranteed to not only meet or exceed OEM tolerances, their guaranteed to meet the most demanding requirements in the industry - your expectations. If you have any questions regarding the projects highlighted here, or anywhere else on the site, please contact us and we'll be happy to answer any of your questions.


Recently Completed Projects


+ Hydraulic Fracturing Rig Reconditioned Centrifugal Slurry Mud Pump


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Replica Engineering Inc. 3843 W. 140 Street, Cleveland Ohio 4411 (216) 252-2204

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